• Mother & Daughter

    Daughter is a gift from God

    Indeed, daughter is a precious gift of love from God. I’m very grateful to the Almighty for giving me a beautiful daughter and today, she is the reason I’m living for and getting stronger everyday no matter how many difficulties have been coming my way since 7 years. To be honest, I always wanted a daughter to see her growing, showering tons of love and most importantly, be always here as a support and someone who can fight the world for her sake and the precious word is “Mother”. I’m from a completely broken family. Raised by my grand-mother who…

  • Life

    Life is like a puzzle

    Life is like a puzzle. Since birth till death, we keep on fixing and arranging all the pieces so that we live a good and happy life. But for some people it is very easy as they are born with a golden spoon but those without a wooden spoon, it is just a nightmare. From time to time, we keep assembling our pieces, find the right spot where at least one piece could fit and fix certain issues in our life but it just doesn’t happen. On the positive side, if we keep trying everyday it definitely happens on a…