My Passion

I love doing cross stitch. I will upload all my work soon…!

I’m currently learning crochet. I made two mini covers 🙂

I’m also learning pencil drawing.

I love reading the Secret Books. Currently reading the ‘The Greatest Secret” and after that, “The Secret To Love, Health and Money”. After completing the two books mentioned above, my “THE Secret Books” collection will be completed.

Website Development

Year 2007, I started learning the basic of building a website on my own, step by step which was really tough because that wasn’t my domain. At that time, I was working as an Administrative Officer in a Timber Company.

Nothing IT related, really. But I was desperate to learn how to build a website and yes, I did it. I built two personal websites (learning process) and in year 2008, I got a job offer in a Web Development company which I accepted and since then, I’m still in the Web Development field.

Nothing is impossible if we really want to do it.

Believe in yourself.